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Winterize Your Property

10 Tips to Winterize Your Property

As temperature lows are approaching the 30s here in the Kansas City area, it’s time to start thinking about winter weather preparation. Here are some things that both homeowners, renters, and commercial property owners alike should consider to prepare for…

tips for driving on snow roads

What to Know Before You Drive on Winter Roads

Winter roads can be as beautiful as they are dangerous. Snow-covered landscapes might be stunning to look at, but they often come with hidden hazards like icy patches, low visibility, and unpredictable conditions. Driving on winter roads requires more than…

black ice facts

How Can I Be Prepared for Black Ice?

Black ice is one of winter’s most dangerous and deceptive hazards. While it appears to be a mere wet patch on the road, black ice is actually a thin, nearly invisible layer of ice that can cause vehicles to skid,…

snow removal methods

Snow Removal Methods: Get Ready for Winter Now

Winter is just around the corner, and if you're in a region that experiences heavy snowfall, preparing for snow removal is essential. According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), around 70% of the U.S. population lives in areas that receive…

Snow and Ice: Get Prepared for the Weather Changes!

Snow and Ice: Get Prepared for the Weather Changes!

As winter approaches, the dangers posed by snow and ice become a pressing concern for businesses and homeowners alike. According to the National Safety Council, over 156,000 people are injured each year in vehicle crashes due to snowy and icy…

Black Ice: Understanding the Hidden Danger

Winter brings with it a picturesque landscape of snow-covered trees and shimmering ice. However, it also ushers in a season fraught with driving hazards, one of the most dangerous being black ice. Often invisible and treacherous, black ice poses a…

Snow Emergency Preparedness

Weathering the Storm: Strategies for Effective Snow Emergency Response

Snow emergencies can paralyze entire communities, disrupt daily life, and pose serious safety risks. Effective snow emergency preparedness is crucial for minimizing the impact of severe winter weather. From proactive planning to responsive actions during a storm, here are comprehensive…

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